Invasive Aedes

AedesDoorhanger-Final_thumbWARNING: Invasive Aedes mosquitoes have been found in Shasta County. We need your help!

Recently the Shasta Mosquito and Vector Control District detected Invasive Aedes mosquitoes in our area. Zika, dengue, and chikungunya viruses are spread to people through a bite of an infected Aedes mosquito. They are aggressive daytime biters and can also bite at night.

To lower your risk, get rid of places where mosquitoes lay their eggs and grow. Aedes mosquitoes are “container breeders” and prefer to lay eggs on the inside of water-filled containers or on stems of plants growing in water. These eggs can survive for YEARS, even when dry. Any item that can hold a teaspoon of water or more can grow mosquitoes.

Click to view full doorhanger pdf.

Invasive MosquitoesTwo invasive Aedes mosquito species (Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus) have been found in Shasta County.

Aedes aegypti CDC 
Aedes aegypti
Aedes albopictus Aedes albopictus

Statewide efforts are focused on invasive Aedes surveillance and control, speeding up the laboratory testing, new control techniques and outreach to the public regarding invasive Aedes species and new emerging viruses.

For additional information about Invasive Aedes in California, visit the California Department of Public Health's page for details.

Aedes_Life_Cycle_Magnifying_Glass_4x6-01Control Mosquitoes Around Your Home to Protect Yourself, and Your Family

  • Eliminate standing water in and around your home and yard
  • Once a week, empty and scrub, turn over, cover, or throw away all items that hold water
  • Check inside and outside your home
Mosquito Control Checklist-

Use this checklist to find and remove common water holding sites around your workplace, home, yard, balcony, and garden to stay mosquito free. Removing the eggs is critical to controlling these mosquitoes.

  • Potted plant saucers and decorative pots
  • Buckets and other containers
  • Trash cans and trash can lids
  •  Fountains, bird baths, ponds
  • Water bowls for pets/water troughs
  • Bromeliads and other plants that naturally collect and hold water
  • Leaky hoses, sprinklers, add/or faucets
  • Rain barrels, cisterns, and/or homemade water collection and storage containers
  • Items stored outside around your home or yard
  • Tires, miscellaneous items or junk
  • Outdoor toys, tire swings, and basketball hoop bases
  • Lily pots and/or water gardens
  • Swimming pools and/or spas
  • Watering cans
  • Lawn ornaments and/or lawn furniture
  • Wheelbarrows
  • Cover or tarps on boats, cars or recreational vehicles
  • Treeholes and low areas with persistent puddling
  • Rain gutters, yard drains, French drains
  • Street gutters and potholes